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Way of thinking


A Bit of Background

The idea behind this site it to create an environment and a source for people to come and check out ideas. This could potentially lead other people also to get an idea, or come with a helping hand. The reason I mainly want to do this as an ideology is because I don't like patents. I understand the concept of it, but after my understand there's more power in spreading the ideas out to as many people as possible, rather than keeping it as a secret. I've been talking to Hamsø patent office about this, and they suggested I made a website. This will unable people to take ideas and take patent on them, so the creators of the will not be unable to work on their own idea. As long as you can document that you've had the idea online, you can store ideas there, and people won't be able to steal ideas. Which most people don't, but anyhow now we don't have to be afraid of the monetary problems that could cause.

My name is Vegard. I love ideas. Most ideas are related to science (I also love science). When I get a lot of information about different subjects I get ideas about how to do it in different ways, by learning from other topics. Like I can use in different areas. 

On this site I'll document my ideas and inventions to spread the idea. Creating an environment for idea and invention sharing is a goal. 

I evolve the information here with good faith.


I'll add more information, illustrations and details to them later on in hope of creating something new for the future.

Also I like science and the future, many of them might be way ahead of 2030.

Most of the ideas are created out of the top of my head. Many of they may already exist. Many does probably sound silly.

Beautiful Landscape


Virtual Reality Worlds

Creating New Worlds Within Our World




Connecting CarsTogether

Square Stage


Virtual Stores

Stores Without Objects



Futuristic Grocery Stores

Shop Online



Cosray & Souji

Sound Messages



World of Food

Digital Restaurants



Pick & Leave

Automatic Payment



Covid-19 Alaram

Public Distanting

Petra Universe Dimension (PUDI) Illustrator Media evolves into Exo Universe Dimension. (EUD)

EUD (Exo Universe Dimension)

With the Universe Dimension Movies, series, parallel worlds, collaborative string, music, media, communication, creator (create within) game, illustrator, Design illustration, Genesis explainer.


Chess Hiking


Go hiking in the woods and in terrain. Go to different locations to play chess VS other players. This will create new arenas for the contenders. Multer-Berry-code. Updated 15:05 08/20/2022.

The Watchers

The point if this concept is to make sure that parents, especially mom get a time of during the day.

In a regular family home with kids there’s usually a lot of stuff going around at most of the times. The parents do have to be on guard all the time.

To give the parents a time of, which they can use to

  • Relax

  • Get rid of stress

  • Have some fun

  • Go out to meet

  • Sleep

  • Just want some spare time for their projects or hobbys

I introduce The Watchers.

The watcher will take care of your children for a X amount of time, typical for 30 minutes to 4 hours. A regular session will usually take between one and two hours. They’ll stay at their home when their gone, take the kids out to the play ground. They can even arrange meetings with other kids so they can socialise outside of the kindergarten, or at school. There isn’t everyone that has that kind of network which would allow them to let their kids meet other kids their age. The Watchers will have this network.

This would allow young people do get an easy job. It would be good for society, nit only for the kids but the parents who desperately need some alone time. It would create jobs.

The Time Travellers Bible

(Create a short version for a hand book)

Make/write a true story science «fiction» about Time Travelling.

Futuristic Grocery stores

You’d be able to just order everything online, like you’re shopping them in the store, and get them delivered to your door, or you could pick them up, in order to save transport fees.

They’d need an approximated time for how long it takes for products such as diary products etc. Before they go bad, and how long time they have to pick them up before they go bad.

They could also have special fridges that can cool off all the wares so time wouldn’t be off the essence that much.

It would be an easy job for teenagers and even kids to do, if they need a job, because who can’t buy stuff in a store.

They would also be equpied with a map of the location of each product, so they can easily find it, without having to memorise the store.

A map can be made on a tablet, doesn't have to be a high technology tablet, just a simple one would do the trick.

Also the software/website of the store should be very much like a store. For people who can’t go shopping they should make a 3D version of the store and all the products so they can virtually go shopping. This can easily be done using google earth’s technology.

The people shopping for products will also see how many that’s remaining in the store, so they can see how many that’s available for purchase.

There is one catch, and that is that people who is shopping there in person might have taken one of the products in their basket already, and it would not be registered on the counter on the website before it’s purchased. So in really there might not be 3 yogurts available for purchase. It could only be 2.

After this system has been running for a while I’m sure there will come an answer to that catch.

The Adaptor

(The super hero)

He’s able to adapt to any situation that e can possible end up in, making him extremely powerful, and he’s making sure bad guys won’t get off easily.

The Thief of the Heavens

(The Movie Concept)

The guy that went to heaven, and took the heaven down with him back to earth.

Car design

A car without any metal object on on the roof of the car. This will allow to fully use the cars view to watch the nature and the sky!

The Holographic Girl Friend

Miss your girlfriend because she is on the other side of the world?

Don’t worry. Now you can see her as a hologram! Just like in Star Wars when Luke gets the important message from Obi Wan Kenobi, from the messenger princes Leia.

Augment-->[META Cognitive way of why you build universes] Virtual --> (Holographic Observable Reality)--> (String Observable Reality) 15:12 08/02/2022

The Future Of Lectures


In the future lectures should be streamed all the time so that people can join the lecture, even if the location of the lecture is on the other side of the world.


Imagine taking part in all of your favourite proffessors class! This would take or general knowledge to a way higher state. People would be way more educated. They’s get a vision of what the lecture is all about. This would open up doors for people who can’t to afford attending to the school of their choosing. I strongly believe this is the future.



Future of MMORPG

(Multi Massive Online Role Playing Game)


In the future you’ll be able to order take away food from an in game NPC.

There will be restaurants that allows you to take order inside the games such as World Of Warcraft, Old School Runescape & Black Desert

This allows you to order food while not experience wasting.

To go into a vertical reality restaurant, order food and enjoy it in real life with your friends who’s on the other side of the world!


Flying Holographs


Connect holographic flying creatures, like Pokemon & dragons by installing a holographic light bringer on top of a drone! Imagine dragons flying in the sky!



Create Magic Chess


Voice recognition movable chess pieces.


The Automatically Delivering Food Car


It’s a car that can drive by itself, just like the google car we created & the new models of the upcoming Tesla models! By putting these data inside a (lets say) pizza car, it can drive around and deliver fast food to houses without being intervened by any human beings. The car will stay at a spot for 5 minutes, until it goes of by driving to the next customer/ the location the customer has chosen. In the future the pizza will be made by robots, which means that all this fast food work will be done alone by computers and machines.


This means less work for you... and more pizza! 🤤



Holographic Video Games


Create the minecraft/lego/tetris inspired game you developed earlier in your mind. This will be a fun puzzle game!


Cosray (Short for cosmic rays)


Create an app where you try to create the most wonderful sounds. It works like instagram, only it focus is the sounds, not the picture. People can ofcourse make meme sounds, creating strange sounds too. The point is to create a community for our favourite soundwaves!




Later, we will use many of this sounds in sound emoji, or Souji. This will allow you to send sounds like emojis on social media and on phone text.

We’ll use many famous actor qoutes like «Run you fools». «House we got a problem» «I am your father». Other music effects will also be sendable.


The funny thing about Souji is that the person you’re sending it to will have no idea what kind of Souji you sent them, until they click the press play button. The element of the suprise will make this hilarious.



Mountain Oven!


The concept of the idea is to create a metal in form of rocks and stones to create the () mountain that you’ll be able to create.



The 3 Dimensional phone. Hone (Holographic Phone)


The concept is to make a phone go from 2 dimensional to go 3 dimensional.


This is easy achievable. The trick is to make it be satisfying for the human eye. The divine proportion needs to be mathematical calculated in order for this to enjoyable.


Painting that is resistant to Nox gases.



Get your anger out robot


It’s a robot you can tell whatever you’d feel like to get your anger out. The (ro)bot will always respond.



This was published 20.07.2020.



I'll post note from my notebook below, feel free to take the ideas.

The  point of this site is to create a site where idea creators and people in need of inventions can take ideas freely, without someone being able to claim patent to the ideas.

This way ideas should spread faster, more efficient, more freely. The work should also be faster create able, because more people will have access to the ideas.

Some ideas will probably sound silly to you, but I'm sure I can handle that.

Never reach for prefections, you'll never reach it anyways - Salvador Dassi

Police Drone!

Police Drone.JPG
Police Drone 2.JPG
Police Drone 3.JPG

Rim Light

Rim Light.JPG
Rim Light 2.JPG
Rim Light 4.JPG
Rim Light 3.JPG

By playing with the placement of the light attached to car rims, you'll be able to create many variables of visual effects that be quite a sight!

Self driving car & features and technology 

Self Driving Car and features.JPG
Self Driving Car and features 2.JPG

As you can probably imagine, when there is no need for the wheel in the car, it opens up a lot of space which you can be creative with, and use for other more enjoyable features and technology such as computers, a place where you can sit and write. The space is limited! Still a lot of room for future developments as you know technology is getting smaller and require less space every day. This opens up a lot of improvement of quality of life adjustments!


Golfball 1.JPG
Golfball 3.JPG
Golfball 2.JPG
Golfball 4.JPG


Carf 2.JPG
Carf 3.JPG
Carf 4.JPG



Bringing Change

This is an illustrated ideal arena for bootball!

Walls around the arena will be ideal, this would allow the players to play with the wall for improvement the game quality.

Instead of using a laser or a marker as the point from which of you can pick up the ball. You'll be able to do it as long as it's over your shoulders. This will be individual for every person, which will again make the basket casket even more fairly since the size of you will not matter that much anymore.


(The Holographic Phone)

Bootball Illustration.JPG
Video Title
Video Title
Video Title
Video Title
Video Title
Video Title
Video Title
Video Title
Hone 2.JPG

World of Food

The massive resturant food chain game experience

Imagine a big role playing game, where you go into any selected resturant you'd like to. Inside the game you can see the different menus, see all the different food they serve. You can go visit most of the common food chains.

With big areas dedicated to the place you want to eat, learn or just sosialize!

You can eat in parks, by the beach or whereever you'd like to go to explore this virtual world.

There will also be lounge areas, where you and your friend and fellow players can eat with!

Inside the 'game' you can buy credits in exhange for food. Earn discounts and get rewards!

Once you've placed your order... the resturant will deliver the food to your door.

Find your pizza delivery, taco, thai food, chinese food and sushi here! 

Everything you can imagine in your nearby food stores can be delivered.

Menus will be created and you can do a virtual delivery.

This means less walking, and more talking

It will give you the oppertunity to explore a vast amount of diffrent kind of cusines, fast food (even though it's unhealthy), find your favourite coffee, energy drinks you'll need for the weekend.

You can also find coffee shops around in this world of food, where you can chill and hand with your friends, or colleges.

Tea gardens, where you can tranquil your mind with a delicious cup of tea! Explore the vast selection of international selection.

The people at the restaurant might even teach you a thing or two about cooking too!

[The NPCs within the game can give you tips and tricks and how to make your own food game]

The game will ofcouse be free. The chain within the game will get more customers this way. Also the belief of this kind of game is to give you the opportunity to discover more food, be (virtually) social, find new friends, and will give you a new experience.

Explore the massive amount of different types of drinks, both hot and cold!

All the food stores will have their own space which they have it designed the way they want!

Find your favourite piece of candy!

Go on dates in this world! You can connect camera to this world too. This would allow you to connect better.

Enjoy the food life!

Find the cusine of your dream!

Learn to ook without a book!

Acompany your lodge from a distant!

Virtual dating! (V-Dating)

Find your lover!

Find your breathered and sister!

Find peace and prosperity!

Drive you got, energy you need!

This game creates an opportunity for people who wants to driver and deliver food for people.

The delivery people can be connected to their service of business and be connected to different food chains.

This opens up a new work space.

The deliver hub will also have their own space in the world of food where you can interact with them. Earn special bonuses and discounts.

Covid-19 Alarm

The reason this will be helpful is so that you'll stay at a distant more easily with other people.

The way it works is that whenever someone comes closer to 1 meter you'll get an alert!

The alert will be adjustable, it can give you an warning in form of a vibration, so you'll know when someone is moving to close to you.

It will also have an option to trigger your sound on your phone and it will say move away please. To inform people to stay at a distant.

The phone will be able to work at 1-2 meter radius. This will help you be aware of social distancing.

It will pick up the signal of other phones, that's how the alarm will get the signal. Whenever they're within your radius it will trigger the alarm.

This will enable you to stay more covid-19 safe.

The virtual store

The idea behind this store is to create alternatives for the future. The only way you can see the stuff that's inside the store is to put glasses on yourself. Glasses that's connected to a virtual displayer that will let you see items that are for sale. They can only be view holographic or with an application linked to your phone.


You might think that's just fine. The cool part of it is that you will also be able to go to other section of the store by the press of a button. This button will take you another layer, or to a new sight.

Not just one, but up to infinite many sightsings if the store.


This way a car company can have endless many cars inside of the, as long as it got the data (or the picture) from the car they're selling.


So when the customers find the products they want you will be able to order and buy it! If your lucky they might have it in the back. You will be able to check this at the application or through your glasses!


The layers will allow you to skip the from infinitley many rooms. Which would allow the smallest store in the world, to become the biggest!

The items that will be for sale will go in a database. Where they can be edited. All you will need is a room to place the virtual items!

You can even have a virtual store for children inside the store, so they can be there without getting bored!

Also vice versa when it comes to the baby boomer generation.

You can also have a sophisticated paintings there or even virtual TVs that would allow you to watch a television virtually (Maybe that's to far in the future, but that's where we're heading)

This will enable a new concept if shopping arrive the VS also the Virtual Shopping.

[The items in the store will have a track number on them so that items will be traceable, and easily located.]

The workers at the store will be able to help you out with the use of the VS shopping by going in the VS register.

(The VS register will contain information about all the items that's listed in the virtual store, which can be endless. This opens up the shop owners to literally operate worlds largest store, if they dare to think big. All they have to do is to order the items in the store for the customers to later come and pick up.)

This will help elderly people who's afraid of ordering stuff only too, by having someone to order for them!

This kinds of store will have be able to have endless many different categories of the item that's sellable, because the information about the objects that's for sale is all you need.

This fits most stores, where you're not depending on getting the object your making right away. Which includes most stores with a higher price range.

What's amazing about this is that you'll be able to create a duplicated kind of store, which can be made all across the world, in order for it to grow!

The virtual shopping solution.

What also benefits this kinds of shopping is that it will make sure that all the valuables will be stored digitally, this allow for you to have  safer store, because items does not need to be in the store.

This allows for stores in countries with much robbery's or high crime rate to operate way safer. The items will be there, at the same time not be there, and they'll be your in the future, if that's what you want. There will be literally nothing to steal.

This sorts of operation system will not be expensive, all you'll need is your virtual shopping glasses or the application on you phone.

This new way of shopping will help countries that's under development to grow businesses faster.

They'll also let the car industry be able to have endless many cars at the eir selective disposal, as the virtual image can be created at great quantities, with a vast amount of varieties.

It also opens up for the new possibilities for countries or stores that simply can't operate without getting robbed, or caused by natural causes, such as flooded water, tsunamis, hurricanes, storms or anything like that.

The items will always be safe, all you have to keep safe is the computer system, which in the future can fit into a single telephone.

The store will also be highly mobile.

Feel safer, buy safer, buy virtually!

Don't you trust your internet to deliver for you, let the virtual shop do it for it!

The way the objects will be stored and related in a  database. in order to craft this virtual objects you'll need a computer graphic designer. Most modern items are already made in a computer system before they are created. By retrieving this data time and energy will be saved, and the database will fill up faster.

Of course you'll get the documentation, as you're selling products that certain brand or creator made.

Instead of Waiting for it, lets start creating it.


  • Vegard Sørvaag


Lets start connecting the 500 Metaphysicfield, connect idea to field & the Timeline of the information. This lets you learn the future learnable calculation in which lets you complex circulation of enciriclement Metaphysic in each induvidual Metaphysic.



‘I saw a picture of someone I love, which book do I shove(?)’


  • Vegard Sørvaag


(PS We’re interstellar calculation & connecting)


The learnable calculation of conn


Meta String Episode 152


Aluminium Computer Screens.








Table only use finger. Cyberneric equipmeny to note on.


(Also stores the data of each equation in Metaphysic on the wall)


Imagine creating love but nothing but love & relations.


If you can imagine creating pure love & also being able to create it you can


  • Vegard Sørvaag


Cyberneric Tailoring




Meta String Episode 152


Cyberneric Hospital




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