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ISBN/CT-Scan To Purchase with Phone/Gadget

Barcode Phone Scan for purchasing and trading products. 1. Pick the wares2. Scan with (ISBN/CT-Scan)3. Scan QT-Code when leaving (you can connect phone directly to the 2. Action too)


Barcode to Purchase books. Additional on library if you want to keep.


Scan restaurant bar code to pay & tip.


Bar Code directly at Tele-Vision to purchase.


Adds with Bar Code Purchasing


Bar code direct on cars to purchase & order


Fay scan barcode / ISBN with phone to purchase.


Library use of ISBN(or you can use the familiar Bar-Scan scan to get the book for lend or purchase.


Scanner at the exit of stores to scan & pay with finger (Fay)

This opens up the store to operate purely with the scanner & finger. Vice versa to phone scan connect.

This means that all you need to purchase is Embodiment & Scan, the exit have a scanner, to verify trade.

Embodiment, nothing else, phone simplify (as you scan the purchase with it).In addition refill to comfort at value level on bank account.


The Reason & Purpose being the Time Traveling ISBN is that every Trade of the Trademark is calculative ahead of Time. The Metaphysic of this logically fundamentally functions in Time Travel Table - Line Connective & ISBN too.

Time Traveling Table - Line Connective ISBN



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