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Celestial Network

The celestial network allow you to communicate with thoughts across the universe, with nothing but your mind. Having same beliefs works in order to make this better understand able. That's why I put this network up world wide the 24.12.2020 world wide so all celestial beings in this universe can multi communicate with nothing but our minds. Similar to the old god system where there's a god responding to your prayers, now pope and other relegions leaders will have the power to help their people respond to their prayers with their mind. This allows them to hear the prayers of those who pray, so they can be answered just like the christian relegios system works for those who's in need of a higher enlightened mind in times of feeling low and high, at all siuations. This system does also work for all the relegions on earth. This allows mormons to be able to help other mormoms out by responding to their prayer. 

This also work with animals. They do understand the inner string (unified string) within everything, thus allow you to respond to people's inner wishes, inner feelings and inner misconseptions, in order to clarfi the mind, and lead them into succsess in the way they seak.

Do remember to put love above all, because that's what gave birth to this lovoly universe to begin with. Without the force of attraction that happend 13.7 billion years ago you would not be able to undestand the string that connects everything in this universe. 

The pre-universe was filled with nothing but love.

Love brought you into this universe, and to love you turn in to.


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