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The three dimensional computer. They're build able by having a 3D light reflector within that makes you able to see 3 dimensional hologram. The holographic computer will also let you be able to use a light as keyboard, because the light can be able to sense the movement of keyboard. you'll also be able to connect older models into it.The start up games will be very easily constructing and building games for the purpose of understanding the architecture of the fundamental building blocks to build it. You will be able to craft these architecture and building blocks easily. Where you can run simulations of scenario in this boxed three dimension.

You can also build zoo games, where you can build lets say; amazing Australian zoos. Maping will be very good illustration in order to illustrate how society works. You can aslo survey society such as malls and streets with this technology in a 3 dimensional point of view, to make everyone feel safer. 

MOBA'1 will be easily created in this Hoture.

1= Multi Online Battle Area

Fortnite in Hoture will be easily build-able.

You'll be able to adjust the size of the Holographic picture of the screen in the light reflectors, also the shape of it so it will be open for adjustment in the settings, which again will allow you to more fully understand how this 3 dimensional motion picture work. 

Mouse setting

The way the mouse and the controlling system will works is by having a button/scroll and the mouse that lets you control the Hoture screen, and your vision on it. This way you'll be able to create the screen and the three dimensional point of view 360 degrees. It's easy to set the holography by adding high definition resolution into the reflection of the light onto the centre of the screen.

Construction of city will be very useful in the Hoture. The 3D (Three Dimensional) point of view makes it way easier for the human mind to comprehend. Also you'll be able to fill the divine porpotion into the formulas of the architecture program. You'll be able to go in micro details of every single details in the city. To make finesse in graphics all you got to do is to go deep in the details as you possibly can. That's how they go in a more realistic creation in the holographic world.

The illustrations of the futuristic concerts and theatres will also be more understandable and at the same time entertaining when you can see them in a the 3 dimensional view. Not only from above, but from all angles. The screen is rotatable as you know. This means you can see it from a birds eye's view and from a frog's perspective. 

As you view it from the dimensions that's all around this third dimensional point of view it's easy to understand how the 4th dimension that Albert Einstein discovered works.

Nowadays we know there is more than 4 dimensions, newer research shows that there is 11 dimensions (M-10), which is just a 7 dimensional add upon the already excisisting 4 dimensions.

Stephen Hawking could think in 11 dimensions.

The construction of any object will also be easy in the Hoture, also really easy to picture it before you eventually 3D print it.

The Files will be very easy invented. The files we got from the 2 dimensional computer will be easily converted over to 3 dimensional files. Which will works easily in a software program that allows you to do that. The size of the Hoture 'screen' will be adjustable.

You'll also be able to go back to the original 2D screen on the Hoture, as the transition of adjustment might take some time.

Bigger games like World of Warcraft, League of Legends and Oldschool Runescape will also be playable in 3D.

The point of view angle from the games will be important to not get dizzy to start with. Remember that the size of the screen is adjustable so is the picture within, it will be able to adapt to your eyes.

The future of security will also be improved. As you now will be able to get a clearer point of view and angle of all the different dimentions and the line of sight. This allows for you to more safely walk around in city and in rural small towns as it's more understandable for us humans with a 3 dimentional point of view, as that's the way we are used to in our regular world.

The creation

To start the crafting of the Hoture hardware. You'd a processors, a fan to keep it cool or a liquid process that will cool it down, also the ability to plug in our regular plug-ins like the USB, and the obligated plug-ins for a computer. The key really lies withing the screen. 

The screen.

There's more than one way to create the screen. Here's some.

The glass reflection. You can use glass reflections to reflect the two lights that will create the image  that the celestial observer desire to see. When the light reflects back into you're eyes you'll be able to see it in 3 dimensional, from any point of view of the centre of the screen and the 360 degrees around it. 

The glasses can also have an option for being folded down, this allows you to use the Hoture as a regular computre, if there's situations where that would be more useful.

Holo-pod. The light ray collision from below way. You can have a screen that's capable of producing the ray of light from a HoloPod'2 (The same one that you'll be able to see Pokémon hologram from). The holo-pod can be visialized as a based pad that produces a light with two different colliding light rays that then make up the hologram in the centre of the screen. With the Holo-pod you will not need to have the screen in order to see the reflection. 

You would most likely get a higher resolution picture by using the glass reflection thought. 

2= Holographic Display Base pad. They make it by colliding light rays into each other.

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