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Vibration movement detectorThe purpose of the vibration detector is to track down if there is about go come a rock slide or a snow slide that can harm people, or structure.The way it works is that if vibration is happening in areas which is known for having rock or snow slide it will trigger an alarm. The detectors will pick up small shakes on the ground, then signal future to the road signs, which will then again give the road users area warnings, and tell them to stop driving future, due to rock or snow slides.You can also do this by having cameras. Cameras that is video taping larger amount of spaces where rock or snow slides usually happen. If there is motion it will instantly alert the people in the traffic.

Indie  Ide 


IFO Plates to eat from. (Just after a IFO citing


25.08.2021 23:03


Knekkebrød Kjekks


25.08.2021 23:59


The mangis planet have exsisted for 88000 thousand years in their galaxy.


Thanks to Beetle the God.


It’s 55 more thousand subatomicle particle that we split.


Bar code in cloths


On the washing note of clothing to see how the fabric is made at the factory. The spesific factory.


It’s also a good source to check of they are govern by the laws of merchanting.


26.08.2021 13:24


Direct Trade


Order clothing straight from the factory.


26.08.2021 13:25


Direct Trade


Direct Trading goes straight from tje factory to the house.




26.08.2021 13:27


The Lion King Multi Massive Online Video Game


Physics Define Future


Magic Wakeman



The triangle sign




The Eureka Laught.


To simplify what goes through our mind when we’re in discovery as things as big string. - Vegard Sørvaag


Indie Crypto


The crypto in this currency goes to the inner calling of all celestial beings. Also their inner call, purpose, and their infinite journey.


Indie Flux


String crypto


Is dedicated to everyone that understand the future and use it’s current concioussmind for intelligence and also a higher rank in the hierkie, and a better salary, no matter what possision the consumer of the crypto got.


String Flux


1000 years of the future develop ment of string crypto.


Stew Crypto


This crypto is dedicated to those who are defensive with what their concioussmind is understanding and like energy.


Stew Flux


Stew Crypto summerized year later 1000 years later


Dark Matter


The game


Jeg har ikke hatt problemer med å sove en natt.



We can’t go to Nash’s house without Uranus.


  • V

The Lightyear Calendar


They try to trick medicine in me so I can stay.


Frode Sørvaag 




I got forced to not work as a way of life as young.


Your to smart to exsist.

  • Albert Einstein


Sondre Froestad shot on the window.


He thought I would get sucidal.


1 hour late with medicine.


Jeg har sovet godt. Jeg ble beskjult for mani.





Slutt å forhandle om mitt liv. Også hvem jeg har sex med.


Ingrid forstår mer enn hun kan hå ut med. Og han.


Battle universe the mode; 1 vs 1000




Add fluid containers of pancake that are ready to be made in boxes.




Add waffle mix that’s ready to mix in an boxes.




Add muffin in containers ready to fill in muffin mix.


Woke up 06:43 because of noice. I’m ahead of time on Mozart.

There are those who communicate through string, and those who not.


Maisie quadrouppled her income and put her financing and investment in love acting.


PS: keep it context with the string projects and most of it make more sense. Just trace back to the timeline.




The planetarium of rappers.


Chili concarne chips.



Teleporting Dua 



Katrine’s drug bust.

Victor is trying to make money out of it. (Celestial network 16:53-:16:57)


07.09.2021 16:53


Celestial Social


09.09.2021 00:14


Bird Location


By following the instinct of a bird, as birds do when they travel across the world thanks to the electromagnetic pulsation inner «compas» they got. You’ll be able to go from A - B with only using your mind. (Third eye is the eye in your mind)




A site with all the professor’s in the world. Data why they are driven, why they have purpose, also addtional knowledge.


11.09.2021 12:02


Painting Machine



The way this machine works is that it paints the house for you. Instead of needing yourself to do it. Thanks to a robot that drives on the wall of your house you’ll be able to use that robot as painter.


11.09.2021 15:09


Bus tracking device


Track all the busses. This lets you calculate the approximity of thy arrival faster.


11.09.2011 16:06


Electric roller skaters


11.09.2011 16:26


We’re onto super matter. Lets see how it evolves.


Vår’s ri field is their boss.


Thermal Heating Glasses


11.09.2021 23:46


Car Zone


When your 5 meters away from your car, the car will automatically open up thanks to a sensor between the cars syncronized phone/keys holder.


11.09.2021 21:18


The electronic touch car keys.


Screen Mirror


The mirror that lets you reflekt on your vision of a big celly, that enables you to see suggestion of fixing your haur, outfit, news, daily reminders on the bathroom.




em in em


They earn 400 thousands for keeping me here. 400 Million if they want.


Ultra loop


Teleportation loop


Kaku’s reflection


Kaku in form of dark matter.


Aud Turid’s shadow in dark matter.


Gravity Boots


Make magnets part of the floor in spaceships and put magnets on your schooes and walk attatched to the floor.


The watch plate


Vladimir Putin followed by Albert Einstein appeared as dark matter.


22:48 Tue 28


Taco Flavoured Chips




Taco flavoured ham.




Pasta Rolls


Rolls of pasta filled with cheese, and the chosen accessiable fillement to fufill the rolls with an enchanting flavouring.


Team everything


Fluxing in space fabric


After Chemistry we will only opperate with photons of light that you can adjust under your celestial embodyment observation with you celestial embodyment, brain helps a lot.




The tube loop of Reality



Reality mathmatics, equation & chemistry.


16.12.2021 2021


Sphere’s of the past will enable us to see past events and also give every celestial being lived a way back without needing a mass population.


Book Library


Borrow books from Ilibrary.




Polarized sunglasses in the layer of glasses.


Proffessor Kornelius’s idea.




Sunglass lenses. Lenses that function as a layer of polarized glasses to enjoy the sun.






Petra Universe Dimension Cellphone


Petra Dimension Universe lets you go through millions of difference of parralelle worlds of realitys under celestial observance that enables you to go throught all obeservable parralelle universes and go back and fourth in time taking care of every celestial being ever created. The better the source is the better quality it provides.









Petra Universe Dimention Dome


The sphere’s of the manifold from vision from the past and current and our invented reality can be filled with a sphere of light, often blue.




Barcode for ID


For any ID checking.


18.12.2012 18:04


Ikke ta dop og ikke skjell Amy ut.





Post Union




Box Of Brain




META Evolve



21.12.2012 14:42


Football Instinct


23.14.2021 14:52




Multi Universe Battle Arena




23.14.2021 16:07


Laughing detector


Add a laughing detector when watching television to your media, this can summerize what you find the most funny over time watching tv shows and compress that into a movie.






Lets tom see where the location of where all cars are in the world with sattelitte.


This lets you see all the trafic you have ahead becausw this location system can and will be suggestive for all cars.


This lets the medicine and emergancy fasilities reach you faster and in a safer way.


This also lets you see all the traffic you have ahead, also direct you the shortest way from spot A-B.


This also lets big brother have full control over the car speed.






The nintendo application where you can download and stream all nintendo products.


Get it on screen, phone and TV.


24.12.2021 07:51


Star Energy Harvesting


24.12.2021 09:00


Team Paw


25.12.2021 02:37


SOR Flux Transaction


String observable reality fluxation transaction of making monetary transaction.


25.12.2021 15:15


Paw Coin




Kaku Tao


The connection of all the Petra Universe Dimension connecting.


Dream Cloud


26.12.2021 16:09


Chess Mania


Game & Sound


26.12.2021 16:20




Computer Library


The future of library, computer and pad screen library.


28.12.2021 01:06


Multi Universe Role Playing Game




29.12.2021 12:42


Half-Life Creator


29.12.2021 12:46


My Inner Demension


29.12.2021 15:25


Telesis Our Power


(Illustrated 15:29 by Christopher Micheal Langham, with a tiny green star peace sign, followed up 0.1 secound later a call sign from Lee Sang-Yheok) with photon communication.



15:33 by Kaja Nordengen


(Tiny green, call, flux 5 billion, willing to help, dark knows about negativity), instant sign too. Proof of faster than the speed of light.


29.12.2021 15:28


Ri-Field with Richard Neyman.

Quantom scaled IFO ships.


29.12.2021 18:54


Tesla light photon.


29.12.2021 19:01




COoperation Universe’s


Michio Kaku can do it in reality. You guys make okus pokus go away.


Youtube Box


The 3D box of youtubers.


28.12.2021 20:22


Holoporter -> String Porter


Teleportion device of a source of [HOR->SOR{Pre-Alpha Teleportable Matterie Observable Reality [TMOR]}] from any celestial embodyment.



Call email addresses direct.

Kaku's Solar Flare(The energy harvester)The point of the solar flare is heat solar energy by providing a stronger energy to the solar ray. You do this by adding a lens that will heat up you're targeted product, such a tank of water, a tank of heat that can turn it into electrons and convert the energy into and store it. The energy can be stored and used for later, which we can do with all energy.Make a lens (it's easy to illustrate with a lens that brings small objects closer to a full size that enables you to see it larger, because it make the solar ray stronger). A stronger solar ray projected by a lens will be able to heat free and you can use that energy forever. 

The Mpen. Short for magic pen. The way this pen will work is that it the camera in the screen. The camera will be connected to to the finger prints automatically by triggering a sensor word that let the camera put the focus on you finger. That's howwe'll take the mouse censoring to the next level. This allow you to use your finger to control the mouse.There will also be a easy to use this system as a remote control.The Magic PensThe way they work is that the screen of the pad is connected to a camera that an focus on the finger tip.By help from the camera it can sensor your finger tip.All you have to do is to move your finger in the air.The sensor will follow your finger. Create your next imagination to reality. M-Pen.M-RemoteThe ca will work automatically when you say the word that turns on the m remote. Just point your finger on the screen, and there will be a pannel that will enable you to change channels on you virtual display.

ITIntel TradeTell your phone the intel source code of a product to purchase. Intel core equation code to purchase.  An easier way to say this is product key. Reboot when quality of life updates arrives and nessessetices. This enables you to trade from your I source location buy voice confirming to your I & password key is something you tell the I before you purchase. (Harvest Meals)10:49 07/02/2022

Fysiological Experience & Essence withAlchchemical reactions bills payed electronically and automatic. Soon with flux27.01.2022

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