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World Banking Organisation & Natural Law of Time Traveling


onsdag 18. oktober 2023


The future of the Bankverse (BUITTS). When you have a full codex of the numbers and the statistic that's going to happen in the company, you'll also be able to fully connect the Time Travel Table- Line Connective towards a time line of Resonating String Information ahead of time. This lets you fully sit and connect the future information and connect this to present. You can also sit in mind state in which you connect this directly over to Accuracy Neuroscience Time in which is 5 seconds ahead of time.


The mind state of this lets you sit and connect the information ahead of time and you'll be able to connect the future motion of why it's plausible to connect. The field of this lets you being able to fully connect the Bankverse numbers, Equation, and settings ahead of time, and basically sit there and connect the future of the information. This does in general basic means that you'll be able to fully Equationize and calculate the full next Action that's going to happen in the Bankverse and connect the future numbers to the Codex of why it's plausible.


'In simplified letter it basically lets you see the future of the numbers that will happen in the Bankverse & you become the keyness of why it's learnable to calculate'


  • Vegard Sørvaag


The essential here is basically learning the syntax of Time Traveling, in which there are many different techniques ahead of time and you'll be able to use those papers and react ahead of time. This basically mean you'll be able to connect the future motion of the paper change.


Time Travel Techniques




  1. By connecting the Meta line of subjects together and connecting it to the future word about to happen

  2. By connecting the Super Strings of Motion of strings towards the next futuristic String.

  3. By connecting the a computer to the to a digital display and by letting it read the information you'll be able to go ahead of it.

  4. By connecting the two observance together and illustrating the Time Travel Mechanism between two observers (Keep in mind you can connect more.)

  5. By connect the cybernetic illustrative reader of text & you'll be able to connect to the future of the word that's going to be illustrated with.

  6. Super Stringing connecting the future motion of a Resonating String Information of musical symphonies.

  7. You can connect to the future motion of Theologians, Physicist & also every single Celestial Observer.

  8. Future scenery can be illustrated ahead of Time.


These documents becomes connective and you'll be able to fully learn all the information based on learning the physics of it. When it's learned it's like a mathmusical Equation that last for life.


By connect the future of the string line connecting you'll be able to react ahead of Time & fully calculate the future of the motion ahead of time. You'll also be able to connect the future of the Statistic & Equation. This means that's it's basically Metaphysics and enables everyone to learn why it's plausible. The sessions of this lets everyone learn why time traveling is learnable.


The sessions why it's plausible the field. The connective Statistic Equation enables you to connect future onto Steven Pinker's Statistics & learn why you'll know those Statistics Equation, and also learn why you'll be able to learn this ahead of time.


This basically means in General that you'll be able learn all the Statistics Equation inside the Bankverse and understand the future of all the action ahead of time. This lets you being able to react onto all of that ahead of time. This basically means that in you customize the future of the knowledge you'd prior ahead of other information. The sessions enables every single CEIS to being able to learn why it's plausible. The sessions here allows everyone to being able to fully learn a  Time Travel Technique and learn their favourite method of Time Traveling. The one that suits them the best is the key.


Bankverse & The Time Traveling Wheel Codex


By connecting the Time Travel Line of the future towards the future of the action, you'll be able to fully connect ahead of time. This means that you'll basically Equationize why it's plausible to fully connect the motion of the future action, and that lets you see the number change in which enables us to basically connect the future of the motion is. The sessions of why these are plausible allows every single Celestial Embodiment to individually learn Time Traveling and mechanics of why it's plausible.


Text Information Digital

The sessions of the Text Information of why it's plausible enables every single Celestial Embodiment to being able to future connect the motion of the action of the past to knowing it's future action. This assemble a way of learning why it's plausible to fully connect the Action from the past to the action of the future, in which enables everyone to being able fully learn why it's plausible to connect the sessions of why it's plausible, and also connect to the future of the information quite easily.


The mind state you learn this enables you in basically to sit ahead of all the information in a cognitive state of mind in which enables everyone to being able to learn all the logic in the Time Traveling Observer's Bankverse and lets us calculate the future motion. The state of mind lets you sit in a syntax in which every information you receive is ahead of time. This especially means you'll be able to learn more.


'Every Text Information in Digital is calculative 1-13 seconds ahead of Time'


  • Vegard Sørvaag


These essentially learn you why you can go ahead of all the information in the Bankverse to begin with. The information is basically learnable in all of Metaphysics.



Connecting the Stat


The learnable Metaphysic of the Time Travel Table - Line Connective towards each individual Cryptocurrency Chain-Block. The metaphysic of Bitfullness, lets you learn the fundamental principles of learning what's inside the learn able server ahead of Time. Time Travel Table - Line Connective towards the Information of Equation, Number or Text in which represents the Resonating's String Bits of the Information. This lets you learn & calculate 1-13 s ahead of the calculative information of a Bitcoin server, 1-13 s ahead of the server before it open. Such as Illustrative with Stringfull, just that you connect the Bits of the Cryptocurrencies instead of the Musical Strings of the Time Traveling Symphonies ahead of Time. This lets you also learn why you'll be able to connect the Metaphysic in the learnable Metaphysic in which lets you learn the Metaphysic in which lets you learn the full learnable calculative information of Crypto Currencies Chain-Blocks & in the Metaphysic of Time Traveling.

Combining the Elements of Time Traveling Table - Line Connective to calculate 1-13 s ahead of Time & 1-13s before the information is created for the server, sort of like connecting to the Resonating Strings of the Bits ahead of Time, in the same learnable Equation of the Natural Law; Bitfullness. (You can also combine this with the fundamental learning principles of Musical Strings. 

You can use any of the Time Travel Techniques (1-8) Do do this illustrative Value calculation naturally.

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