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Multi Universe Dimension Game

Understanding how you can operate games from other dimension and universes allows you to play mindfully about the games that you participate in. You can form your own version of how the screen operates. Much of this functionally operates from other multi universes where you're able to let all your fantasy, imagination and combine it with knowledge and set it free on the display of what you want to share.

This allows you to play in very complex scenarios where you can and collaborate with all the celestial beings that have ever excised on earth, not to mention other universes. The observers that still understand this can play out their own imagination, which then again is a for of mortality beyond death, which brings celestial beings on earth far ahead of time.

This understanding takes nurture of your mind. Nurture it by avoiding stress, aggression, angriness, irritation and eat healthy and wealthy. Taking decision that you'll profit from over long time not short time. 

This allows all the games that have been created so far mixed with the understanding of the universe that you and fellow celestial observers got. It does require a large understanding in other to understand and create. All the games are not meant to scare anyone, or create confusion about stuff, but rather help them into a reality in which they will achieve a higher purpose. Entering a  higher purpose is very beneficial for the future understanding of what drives humans, but also animals. This goes along for all the celestial observers that's ever been created.

Within the game you can take the imagery of whatever you've observed. The job about the game is done long time ago. It requires no extra attention for me to keep it running. It is also my mind that allows this for happening. Which then of course means that you can learn it to any mind at all. This will also be the big next thing after we've adapted everything to a screen. Where we'll get rapidly as long as everyone understand the understanding of a rapid technology development instead of putting to much effort into the big piles of money opportunities in which they open. 

The tendency of sharing ideas with friends or family often create minor disturbances in the project, that's why keeping it going to the next idea immediate is very helpful.

By altering these games with your mind it allows you to play for fun in a whole unique way. You can also but a lot of science within all of these games which makes them interesting. 

People of interest does also make the games better, such as world leaders such as politicians and leaders across the world in different settings.

This collaboration lets you build connection through the whole world in a helpful way. These kinds of games put room for a lot of playful minds, so understanding how important fantasy and imagination is powerful. 

Keep in mind it's made free, and there is never a need for someone to even pay for it. The demand can be big, but such is the information you need in order to fully understand how it works. 

My observable screen will be the illustration of how it works, and all of the rest.


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