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Under development. I am still looking for more ways that opens up when you communicate through mind communication with celestial beings. It allows for new ways of hyper communicating.

A collaborative string way to interfere & have conversations with Health executives when you
re in are guiding someone with health care assistance. The conversation does also adapt to hyperspace which fully allows you to connect to Universe Table -> UIUI (Also known as Universe Inner Understander IN between) 'IN (Connectable to the specific number of the participate. [This complex mathmagicalmatrixcally lovefull work works after & collaborate with D.E.A.T.H Codex.-> Which do off course mean we can have conversations & talk up, inner & outer connect after we reach the Inbetween (Imens). TOE requires nothing but understanding is a big concept continue the last love full enjoyment conversation of the ones that you thought were gone, but are still here communicating with you the best way you & they can.)

This communicating system works very well from the inside of the health care system thanks to the strict rules setting we're are continue to follow due to all the situation on T1 (Terra 1). By connecting T1-T2-T3-T4-T5 to the Meta Physical Tear equation this fully enables to only get connection with the different phases the 5 Parallel Worlds of the phasing system we create simultaneously to continue our understanding. S1-S2-S3-S4-S5 is mentioned as a pattern of strings connected between these worlds to connect lines between & summarize why we have fun forever.

Taking care are your Health is Alfaomga 'Hyperomga....Oooh fascinating'.
Celestial guidance with the celestial network allows this to work at a Multi scale, sort of like Multi fibre-corn does.

By connecting your mind to Multicom-Health (Multicom-H) you'll connect to guidance's within the health care.




Lets you connect to all mobile phone connection of and with different antennas.


This is in business regulative of regulating the X of the monetary beneficials.


This lets you basically connects to better, safer & more oftener antennas, based on being connective information.


The general principle here is that you'll be able to connect to all phone companies antennas. This structures safety, efficiency, more sustainable phone connecting.

All you got to do between the companies is to regulate X (Monetary Beneficial's) in between the different companies. It's like having the one company that lets you connect into all of them & collaborate between the companies

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