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Check Earth -> Checkpoint Mars -> Checkpoint Venus 

Vegard Sørvaag never drank alcohol 365.25x1.9 since date. February 2020. 🍵☕️

Nor used nicotine. 🛑How far do you got justice in your court.




8/10 Food Circulation. (Variety meals no sugar)🥔

Eat at 3/10. (Snack from 3-8/10🍐🌶🥕)🍽

{Héctor Gracía & Francesc Miralles.Ikigai}


Sleep Circadian Rythme


8/24 Asleep & 16/24 awake.💤😂

{Matthew Walker. Why do we sleep}


Medicine & Celestial Embodyment


600 Milli Liter Orfiril 1/2 at morning, 1/2 @ night.🕹


Psy(cic)[Psychic]prex(Pre-Rex)a(A)/Ol( Olympic💍 Inner🧢 Sport⚽️)zapine(Sky 🌌Cruiser🚀 Zap-liner🛸) at(@)/Tru(Faith)[T]xal(AluminiumTruffle Safety Operation Prosseadure Physic[Psycic]) 20 Milli Liter dose(Dopamine😂 Oxytocin😂 Serotonin😂 Endorphins😂) 1/14. 13/14 over 13 days. 📱

{Kaja Nordengen.Your Super Star Brian}

Vegard Sørvaag Hospital 🏥 Information. 🥕💤Cyclus(Unifieds String)

{Ole Petter Hjelle. Strong Brain & Active Body} 12:05 05.02.2022


10:56 05.02.2022

4 Triwa February 5th.

Written by Vegard Sørvaag

Gregorian January 25. 2023

Gass calendar

Genesis calendar 13.83 Giga Years

Thioxanthene is a chemical compound in which the oxygen atom in xanthene is replaced with a sulfur atom. It is also related to phenothiazine. Several of its derivatives are used as typical antipsychotics in the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychoses.

CAS Number: 261-31-4

ChEBI: CHEBI:51055

Chemical formula: C₁₃H₁₀S

Molar mass: 198.28 g·mol−1


ENTEROTABLETTER 150 mg, 300 mg og 600 mg: Orfiril: Hver tablett inneh.: Natriumvalproat 150 mg, resp. 300 mg og 600 mg, hjelpestoffer. Fargestoff: Titandioksid (E 171).

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