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  • vesorvaag

Vegard Sørvaag Notes

MY Doors

Magnet doors.

Imagine putting a magnets to hold the door instead of having a door handle. Just push the doors and magnets will hold the door for you.


Recycle melter.

This product will be easy to use and very friendly. Imagine a box that melts you garbage. When the harbage is melted it turns into liquid that goes in a drain that eradicate it, which is connected to your home, which then again enables you to never have to go out with the garbage, just put it in the ReMelter.

A county melter would also work. That helps by melting the garbage when you throw them in a drain like pipe.

App cloud server

Create hotkeys for fastfood chain deliver for phone. Press touch to speak; «KFC, menu 5, with coca cola without sugar» payment confination (your phone already got your details and lets you confirm with your pin)

You address is located at the current posision, your phone got a GPS to if you want to draw the GPS to a spesific address.

Connected to uber eat.

Add this hotkey list to all fast food chains.

Celestial Instagram

Univers Instagram

Mind Book

Electronic book

Add batteries to the left of the book, on the inside. This enables you to have an ever changing information on pages that are related to electronic (higgsbosonic).

This does ofcourse mean that we can change the colour of the pad, also google and use it as a phone.


Book store & Library

Celestial Photo (CP)

Celestial Movie (MP)

Deep Explorer


Imagine yourself going into a tube, that got a elevator inside of it. The elevator takes you down 20 meter underneat the oacen and there is this sphere like box sort of like a super home (what follows up after modern home) to enable you to sit under the water and look at reves and the aquatic athmosphere for as long as you want. 7 courses meals.

Connect all your card details, car lisence, passport, coffee deals, tea deals, all your monetary spending bonuses and savings onto the phone ID, in my wallet, designed on your phone.

17.08.2021 11:00

Kentucky Fried Lobster


Magnet Suit

It enables you from touching the ground within the tunnel of magnetism.

Fortnite Mobile

Given to Tim already


Aluminium AnewS Tele Vision

Anew Source

Connect media, play station, xbox, computer files, your movies, Nintendo, tablet, tablet, phone, car applications, and updated features.

These files are uploaded to a server. Upload the server to a cloud, and keep the cloud open for masses.

By connecting to AnewS you will be able to play and enjoy entertainment, work, relax, also access google, google chrome, iphone, apple tele vision and all your intelligence.

You so not need to download any of this to your Anew Tele Vision, they will be uploaded to the AnewS server. This enables you to connect to over 100 petra bits and even more.

Music and cosmic strings will help connect to the producers of the music by connecting to spotify & sound cloud. Not to mention your bits of intervention.

Download never again. Press the AnewS button on your control to maintain universal controller of the celestial experience your having.

String language will be future developed in here.

Now with new heroes. You’ll see the time traveling heroes.

18.08.2021 15:30-16:01

400 trillion Warren Buffet Estimated

Nintendo Siumlator for miblie phone

Electrical Driven Boats

The transporters of goods that enables you to float through the ocean automatically without having passenger on board. The way it will tranfer from human controlled over to operator control will be piece of cake.

As soon as you understand that everything you do as a captain on a boat can be controlled by someone sitting in a operating computer room you will start to realise how much safer and easier it will become, especially since it’s way easier to maintain in a situation where you will be able to view the ride better.


After lots of programming you will be able to put a chip in these ships that enables them to travel in the same patterns, over go the same routines and the operating staff has been doing for a couple years, and the simulators have been doing for a million years (they can simulate over 99999999 times a day, and detect errors and fix them.


Magnet driven boats

The magnetic motor.

The spinning magnets that rotates a magnetic caster that turns the wheel that spins the driven force if the object it’s driving.

All you need is the l to start it. A push force will start the magnet to rotate. The force can be created out of centrifugal power to enable you to set a lot of force in motion in order to start it.



Mixture of tea and juice. With carbonated water 3/4 & 1/4, black currant 🍵


Bouble copter

Ride in a big glass bubble, around in the world with the view of cities and wild lands.

Connect electricity to the levitating double so you can “float” around in space when there is someone operating the bubble for you in the Bubble copter room and it carries you where ever you want to.

Just like flying in outer space. (Now with privacy.)

Just talk to the operators.

Imagine a drone that can be control a big bouble.

Now lets create it in reality.




Use the pull force of a strong magnet as a way of pulling the transport able matter.

Spotify Challenger

The editable Spotify

Edit your own rhymes on Spotify by having access to every song ever created on spotify.

Upgrade to Spotify challenger

Where you can mix in your favorite artist, songs, singles, orchestras, cosmic wave lengths, strings and balance them out in an harmoniously way that enables you to inner connect and outer enjoy the cosmic wave sounds of strings the artists bring in.


Areal Antennas

Produce antennas that can stay in the middle of the air, providing people internet. This enables everyone to get a way better connection as the antennas can stand in the middle of the air with the help of a drone. The drone’s energy can be restored by having a cycle of energy chains slowly changing in a 3 step loop. The antennas will be spread around cities over a way bigger area, it will also become way safer, as the signal will reach.

Then we can start open up public network free around in cities.

19.08.2021 20:40-20:48

Celestial Trademark

21:12 19.08.2021

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