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Meta String & Stringfull

Meta String & Stringfull (Life Episodes from Meta String 2024 & Stringfull 2023)

Stringfull & Meta String

Meta String is the Equation of Quantum & Astrophysics Equation in which lets you learn why you'll be able to have a calculative learnable mechanism to learn why you'll be able to create new Imagery with every Digital Layer of a field, in which you'll be able to calculate the Multiverse in which you'll be able to connect with Cognitive Neuroscience why it's plausible.

Best Referances I have here is Max Planck & Niels Borh in Quantum Mechanism. Max Tegmark with the Mathmathics & The Multiverse & The Cognitive Neuroscience with Passingham & Wise. Brian Greene is the scientists whom learned me the most of getting control of each Multiverse in the Digital Layers. Not to mention the endless love I get from family.

Our mathematical Universe author Max Tegmark

Quantum Theory  Max Plank & Neils Bohr

The Neurobiology of The Preneural Crotex author Passingham & Wise

Can Particles be Quantum Entangled Across Time? (

(You can find all these References in the calculations in the Library of Indexes & Reference's. They are all listed. Those are the References I build the Natural Laws based out of.)

Stringfull is the Equation in which lets you learn the Stringfull calculation of Learning Super String Vibration Vocals Metalanguage & Combine it with Time Travel Table in which lets you learn to Sing to all music, weather you've heard the music before or not precisely & also be able to learn why you can sing multiple secounds (Time Travel Table) ahead of time & learn the Music Vibration of the Strings ahead of time. This lets you also be able to adapt it onto every Vibration & Vocal ahead of Time. When the skill is learned you'll be able to sing all the Metalanguages on Celestial Terra & not be impacted by a language barrier & also learn the future calculative knowledge of singing to each accents, all 7000 Metalanguages.

This is something I mainly learned from connecting the Super Strings of memorizing the cosmic music then I eventually learned why you'll also be able to adapt onto the future of the Super String of Vibration. It's something everyone can master. 

Start Of The Book (Timeline Of Book): 5


02.01.24 - 03.02.24 Meta String Episode 2-34

Power in Numbers




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