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(Tea Liquid)

The way teli works is that you add a small amount of liquid team, that is already finnished. Teli consist of a highly concentrated tea extract, that you mix in your hot cup of tea to make team close to instantly, it just got need approxomentily 10 secounds to blend in. This enables the cup of tea to get done way faster. You'll also find this liquid in unlimited amount of tastes, which can be handy if you like changing what kind of tea you would like to drink.

The way if works is that you create a concentrated tea proportion and store it in a larger bottle, and you can mix it with your tea.

Scooper(The warm ice spoon)Place batteries within a  ice spoon that allows for a heat within the scoopers head that allows you to get ice cream softly and gently out of the ice cold ice box. As you the warmer the spoon is easier it is to operate within the ice cream.Just place some heat element that can be heated with batteries in order to heat the spoon's head.



The concept for this idea is that it will work similar to tinder, but instead of finder a loved one, or shorter relationships this new site and application will help you find the your next room mate.

If you need/want to live somewhere this will be the place to be in order to find other in the same situations who's looking for company and solutions to where they want to live.

They will find and match up with people. You will be able to read about their hobby's, habits etc.

When you find someone who you and potentially your new room mate, you'll be able to match up.

Unknown data until you match.

To make it a bit better you'll be able to match with 2 person, you'll b e able to match up with 8 or more people. You'll be able to develop big roomies families to futhur expand your plans.

This might be the place for someone who's just looking for an adventure too.!

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