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The Universe's Union


It's here to ensure that all celestial beings that ever lived, and ever will be taken care of.


No one is forgotten.

No one is left behind.

No one.


As studies has prover we need to ensure that they stay on the multi universal line, to ensure that people with extremely good influence, such as many people from our past, that are currently with us now thanks to string.


We are now able to communicate with people that thought death prevail, but it never did.


Connecting to them available line then ensures that terraria's can speak to their lost, but found in the inner room where the ever evolving universe keeps expanding.


We have evidence that we can talk to everyone ever lived. Use your mind and think while you hear their voice. A V enables you getting in the conversation with them.

This lets you communicate with all celestial being since 13.82 billion years ago. All of them to come too. This is interesting when you understand the inner work of how you communicate in this world. You can do this by only using your mind.

By having a union it lets you operate safe while knowing you're not alone at this, but you're among the celestial beings that ever lived. As you know their mostly here to make sure that you're celestial observervation through the universe is the best.

31 August 2021


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