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The Virtual Store

The idea behind this store is to create alternatives for the future. The only way you can see the stuff that's inside the store is to put glasses on yourself. Glasses that's connected to a virtual displayer that will let you see items that are for sale. They can only be view holographic or with an application linked to your phone.


You might think that's just fine. The cool part of it is that you will also be able to go to other section of the store by the press of a button. This button will take you another layer, or to a new sight.

Not just one, but up to infinite many sightings if the store.


This way a car company can have endless many cars inside of the, as long as it got the data (or the picture) from the car they're selling.


So when the customers find the products they want you will be able to order and buy it! If your lucky they might have it in the back. You will be able to check this at the application or through your glasses!


The layers will allow you to skip the from infinitley many rooms. Which would allow the smallest store in the world, to become the biggest!

The items that will be for sale will go in a database. Where they can be edited. All you will need is a room to place the virtual items!

You can even have a virtual store for children inside the store, so they can be there without getting bored!

Also vice versa when it comes to the baby boomer generation.

You can also have a sophisticated paintings there or even virtual TVs that would allow you to watch a television virtually (Maybe that's to far in the future, but that's where we're heading)

This will enable a new concept if shopping arrive the VS also the Virtual Shopping.

[The items in the store will have a track number on them so that items will be traceable, and easily located.]

The workers at the store will be able to help you out with the use of the VS shopping by going in the VS register.

(The VS register will contain information about all the items that's listed in the virtual store, which can be endless. This opens up the shop owners to literally operate worlds largest store, if they dare to think big. All they have to do is to order the items in the store for the customers to later come and pick up.)

This will help elderly people who's afraid of ordering stuff only too, by having someone to order for them!

This kinds of store will have be able to have endless many different categories of the item that's sell able, because the information about the objects that's for sale is all you need.

This fits most stores, where you're not depending on getting the object your making right away. Which includes most stores with a higher price range.

What's amazing about this is that you'll be able to create a duplicated kind of store, which can be made all across the world, in order for it to grow!

The virtual shopping solution.

What also benefits this kinds of shopping is that it will make sure that all the valuables will be stored digitally, this allow for you to have  safer store, because items does not need to be in the store.

This allows for stores in countries with much robbery's or high crime rate to operate way safer. The items will be there, at the same time not be there, and they'll be your in the future, if that's what you want. There will be literally nothing to steal.

This sorts of operation system will not be expensive, all you'll need is your virtual shopping glasses or the application on you phone.

This new way of shopping will help countries that's under development to grow businesses faster.

They'll also let the car industry be able to have endless many cars at the eir selective disposal, as the virtual image can be created at great quantities, with a vast amount of varieties.

It also opens up for the new possibilities for countries or stores that simply can't operate without getting robbed, or caused by natural causes, such as flooded water, tsunamis, hurricanes, storms or anything like that.

The items will always be safe, all you have to keep safe is the computer system, which in the future can fit into a single telephone.

The store will also be highly mobile.

Feel safer, buy safer, buy virtually!

Don't you trust your internet to deliver for you, let the virtual shop do it for it!The way the objects will be stored and related in a  database. in order to craft this virtual objects you'll need a computer graphic designer. Most modern items are already made in a digital data system before they are created in a factory. We can take this information to create the virtual picture that will be created in the virtual stores. 


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